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Company Profile

Elmhurst Research, Inc. was incorporated in New York State in 1988

ERI offers a wide variety of engineering, testing and government services.  We provide expert engineering services in the areas of mechanical, electrical and metallurgical as well as forensic, servicing a wide variety of clients.  Projects include design and manufacture of ultra high pressure vessels in general and for food processing in particular, also various systems and components for the military.  Testing services include unique high pressure fatigue fixtures developed by ERI.



Contact Information

 Local: 518-462-5340
           Toll Free: 800-545-5521
Postal address
Elmhurst Research, Inc.
60 Loudonville Road, Albany, NY 12204-1513
Electronic mail
General Information: [email protected]
Employment Information 
Send  mailto:[email protected]
Driving Directions 


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Last modified: January 25, 2008